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July 1/2, 2023 - Sunday Bulletin

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


This Week in the Church


  • OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL NOVENA – to prepare for this great Feast on July 15th, the Novena begins on Thursday, July 6th after the 9am Mass. Novena copies will be available at the Church entrance. See the invitation to the Feast on the next page.

  • FIRST FRIDAY is on July 7th – Adoration begins after 9am Mass & Novena (no 7:30am Mass that day) followed by Benediction at 6:45pm and then Mass at 7pm. A Sign-up sheet is at the Church entrance – it would be greatly appreciated if 2-3 people could sign up per time slot.

  • THE NEXT FILIPINO MASS – is on Sunday, July 9th at 6pm.

  • Project Advance Kick-Off Weekend: Every gift, regardless of its size, makes a difference. Every gift, regardless of its size, makes a difference. Here are a few options to get your pledge form

    • You can pick up your pledge form from parish office

    • Call office to mail form to you or to scan & email to you

    • You may also make a donation online here: Be sure to select St. Edmund's in the parish drop down menu to ensure the excess funds come back to our community.


Important Updates


Starting July 3rd, the office summer hours

Mondays & Thursdays – the office will be closed

The rest of the week will be regular hours.

Also note that parish office is closed on Canada Day, Saturday, July 1st as well as Saturday, July 8th

OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL NOVENA – to prepare for this great Feast on July 15th, the Novena begins on Thursday, July 6th – see the invitation on the next page.

THE MONTHLY FILIPINO MASS – is on 2nd Sunday of each month at 6pm.



Instructions and Consolations

Today’s Gospel is the conclusion of the instructions and consolations that we have heard Jesus offering to his disciples during the past few weeks. In this passage, Jesus summarizes both the costs of discipleship and its rewards. Once again, our understanding of the Gospel is strengthened by considering the context in which it was written and the perspective of Matthew’s audience.

The conditions of discipleship outlined in Matthew’s Gospel may appear harsh. Yet they underline for us a truth—choosing anything with one’s whole heart has consequences. Choosing life with Christ means that every relationship we have must be understood from a new perspective. For many in Matthew’s community, this choice brought division to their family.

Matthew also outlines the reward of hospitality offered to Jesus’ followers. In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains the difficulties of discipleship, yet reveals that those who welcome the disciples have also welcomed him.

Today’s Gospel also highlights for us the importance of hospitality in the Christian life. To welcome another in Jesus’ name is to extend hospitality to Jesus himself. We have many opportunities in our daily life to reach out to others, to be a welcoming presence and a sign of God’s love.

- Loyola Press


Mass Intentions

Sunday, July 2

· Repose Heck Cruz by Mabanta family

· Repose Ken Kramer by Cora Kramer & family

· Repose Raffaele Cusano by wife Rosa

· Repose Santos family by Ludavina Santos

Monday, July 3

· Spec. Intention St. Edmund’s Parishioners

· Repose All Souls in Purgatory by Rosa Zivarts

Tuesday, July 4

· Spec. Intention Rafael Ryan Quibuyan by Gemma Quibuyan

· Repose Joseph Hiep Pham by daughter Rosa Zivarts

· Spec. Intention Sr. Catherine Burke by Elizabeth Livingston

Wednesday, July 5

· Repose Anna & John Michniewicz by Zofia Bronowska

· Repose Maria Nhan Pham by daughter Rosa Zivarts

Thursday, July 6

· Repose Wadyslaw Sikora by Stasia Wasak

· Spec. Intention Jovita Ramirez by Zofia Bronowska

Friday, July 7

· Repose Paul Wuthrich by Elizabeth Noujeim

Saturday, July 8

· Repose Heck Cruz by Mabanta family


Parish Events


2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM

June Meeting will be June 15th


Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm


St. Eds Christian Meditation Group

Mondays @ 7 PM

Participation in person: please contact Luis Zunino ( or at 604-987-8304.

Option to participate via ZOOM: For an introductory conversation, please contact Luis Zunino


Lessons are available to book at

Registration for Summer camps & lessons is now available.


School Events/News



Religious Education


  • Schedule will be published late Summer

Children's Choir Training

  • Every Saturday at 10 AM

Altar Server Training

  • Every Saturday at 11 - 11:30am


Archdiocese Notices & Events


Dear Parishioners,

We are writing to seek your support for the 2023 Project Advance campaign. Project Advance allows the Archdiocese of Vancouver and, more particularly, our St. Edmund's community to come together to support communal projects.

Please see Archbishop Millar's video message attached (click on link below and scroll down to watch video)

Our Parish fundraising goal for the Archdiocese this year is $33,000. This means that anything raised over $33,000 comes back to St. Edmunds for local projects. Last year we were able to repair and replace the underground plumbing and pavement in the school parking lot.

Currently, the stairs leading from the rectory need to be replaced. Our current goal is to raise funds to replace and extend the deck from the rectory to the Church/sacristy. This will provide an opportunity to extend the outdoor space to accommodate more people, provide a space to socialize, and provide a separate outdoor space for quiet reflection and prayer.

Every gift, regardless of its size, makes a difference. Volunteers will be available after each mass this weekend to take your donation and answer any questions. You may also make a donation online here: Be sure to select St. Edmund's in the parish drop down menu to ensure the excess funds come back to our community.

Thank you for your generosity


There will be a Vocation Live-In on the weekend of July 8 - 9, 2023 at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC. Anyone wishing to enter the Seminary in the next couple of years is welcome. For more information phone 604-826-8975 or email


Join the North Shore Prolife Society as they host the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform (CCBR) on their cross Canada "Faces of Abortion" tour on Saturday, July 8 from 9:30 to 11:30am at Holy Trinity Parish Hall, 2725 Lonsdale, North Vancouver. This workshop will equip you with the tools to have effective conversations that present the pro-life view with compassion and clarity. Refreshments will be served. Invite a friend!

In addition, CCBR is looking for supporters who are willing to host some of our staff and interns during their stay, approximately from July 6 to July 11. As a host home, you will:

  • Provide sleeping arrangements for two (or more) CCBR staff or interns for the duration of our stay

  • Provide breakfast and possibly one or two dinners for the interns/staff staying with you

  • Have the opportunity to hear directly from those on the front lines what CCBR is accomplishing this summer

  • Contribute directly toward the important work of changing hearts and minds about abortion

If you would be willing to be a host home, or host a church presentation or dinner, please contact Virginia Wight at For further information on our tour, visit


Special Gifts

Bread & Wine

Remember a loved one with a special gift


Financial Updates

Remember St. Edmund's in your Will


Prayer Requests and Advertisements

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545 Mahon Avenue, North Vancouver, BC. V7M 2R7  |  Tel: 604-988-3211

A parish in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver


©2025 by St. Edmund's Parish

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