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March 26/27, 2022 - Sunday Bulletin

4th Week of Lent

This week in the Church

FIRST FRIDAY – April 1st

  • Adoration Sign-up at the Church Entrance

  • 7:30 Mass followed by Adoration until 8:50am

  • 9am Mass

  • 6:30pm Stations of the Cross

  • 7pm - Mass


  • NO 7:30am Mass

  • 9:00am Mass

  • 6:30pm Stations of the Cross

  • 7:00pm Mass


The CWL Coffee Sunday and Bake Sale

- The CWL would like to welcome everyone back to our Coffee Sunday and Bake Sale, held after every mass on Sunday, March 27th.

- Any baking donations will be graciously accepted, and to be dropped off at the school gym the day of the sale. We kindly ask that you let the CWL do pricing for your baked goods


Parish Clean-Up Day


Important Updates

LENT is a time to Prepare

Bring your friends and come join us at St. Edmund’s Parish April 7th, 8th, 9th for a Lenten Retreat—the Retreat Preacher will be Rev. Fr. Alex Braganza, OCD—Superior of Little Flower Monastery.

The theme of the Retreat is: Mercy of God

“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.”

(Luke 23:34)


  • Thursday, April 7 – St. Stephen’s @10:30am

  • Tuesday, April 12 – Christ the Redeemer @7pm

  • Wednesday April 13 – Holy Trinity @7pm


  • Holy Thursday Mass (April 14) – 7pm

  • Good Friday Liturgy (April 15) – 3pm

  • Easter Vigil (April 16) – 9pm (please note time)

  • Easter Sunday (April 17) – 8am/9:30am/11am


  • On April 15th, the Catholic Women’s League will offer soup and buns after the Veneration of the Cross which starts @ 3:00 p.m.

  • On Sunday, April 17th, there will be a Pop-up Bake Sale hosted by the CWL after the 8 & 9:30am Masses


Your Lenten contribution will go to the education of students who need assistance. A collection box is near the West 6th Church door.


The Parish is in the process of welcoming a family of 5 to North Vancouver. If you would like to help, please join the Refugee Committee by contacting the Parish Office

North Shore Pro-life

NS Pro-Life encourages your participation in 40 Days for Life from March 1 to April 11.

There are many opportunities to participate virtually or in person. Your prayerful support is welcome.


  • Pick up from back of church this weekend & next

  • Pick up from parish office

  • Have them emailed to you – be sure we have your correct email

2022 Collection Envelopes

New sets of envelopes are in the Parish Office for you to pick up. It is important that you use this year’s envelopes to help ensure that you get credit for your donations. Please do not use envelopes from previous years.


Mass Intentions




Parish Groups

Holy Trinity CWL Annual Retreat - April 1-3, 2022

Theme: The Feminine Genius

Who is woman and who is she meant to be? Join Sister Angela Marie Castellani, FSE, at the Holy Trinity CWL retreat, to learn more about the gift of femininity, and to grow in love and understanding of your call as a woman. Pope St. John Paul writes that "woman has a genius all to her own, which is vitally essential to both society and the Church. Unpacking Pope St. John Paul II's teachings on dignity and vocations of women, our time together, under the guidance of Mary, our Mother, will be one of learning, sharing and prayer.

Spaces: limited to 24 participants

Location: Westminster Abbey, Mission, BC Cost: $170 per person for a 2-night stay, including meals (Cost for those who wish to come an extra night and bring their own food is $30 extra.)Payment: E-transfers to Cheques can be made to Holy Trinity CWL (please leave at church office)



  • Catholic Women’s League meetings are now in person on the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 7pm

  • Catholic Women’s League Coffee Sunday & Bake Sale resumes on Sunday, March 27th after all Masses

  • CWL Membership Fees - Please note that CWL Membership fees are due by March 31st. Fees are $30.00. If you are not a member, but would like to join or need more information, contact Donna Colcleugh -

  • On April 15th, the Catholic Women’s League will offer soup and buns after the Veneration of the Cross which starts @ 3:00 p.m.

  • On Sunday, April 17th, there will be a Pop-up Bake Sale hosted by the CWL after the 8 & 9:30am Masses


St. Edmund’s Elementary School - Fundraiser

Once again St Edmunds will promote a fundraising initiative using Purdy for Easter Chocolates Treats, a great way to support our school community.

Information below. Thank you for all your support!

PLACE & PAY FOR ORDERS BY: March 28th 2022

PICK UP ORDERS ON: April 12th 2022 at St Edmunds School 2:30-3:30pm

If you have any questions, please contact the school office 604-988-7364

1. Sign in or create a new supporter account either by clicking the link sent to you by our coordinator or by visiting

2. If you’re creating a new account, please enter the customer number below on the registration page.

3. If you’re signing into an existing account, enter the number below into the search bar that will come up after you’ve signed in.

4. Click on JOIN CAMPAIGN 22052


School (STA) Job Opportunity

St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Secondary School is looking for an experienced, full-time office assistant. Potential candidates should have a minimum of 1 year related experience and should be available to work 5 days per week starting March 28, 2022.

Please send your resume to the attention of Christina Donovan, the Office Manager by email:

Deadline for application: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 4 p.m.


Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program

Religious Education


Children's Choir Training

Archdiocese Events


Special Gifts


Altar Candles & Sanctuary Lamp

Bread & Wine

Remember a loved one with a special gift

Financial Updates

Remember St Edmund's in your Will

Prayer Requests and Advertisements

Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of

St. Edmund Parishioners

Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of

All Carmelite Priests

Our Parish Community is asked

to pray for the Special Intention of

Father Steny &

Father Cannio

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