Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Important Updates

CWL COFFEE SUNDAY & BAKE SALE is after all Masses on Sunday, May 26th. Baking donations will be gratefully received before the Masses. Please allow the CWL to price your baked goods.
LEGION OF MARY CROWNING OF MARY will take place at Grotto on Friday, May 31st @ 5:30 pm. Everyone welcome!
CONFIRMATION is on Wednesday, May 29th at 5:30 pm. Archbishop Michael Miller will officiate. You are all invited to come and join in the Celebration and pray for the 19 Confirmands.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! On Saturday, June 8th for the 50th Birthday celebration of Father Steny starting with 4:30 pm Mass and then a party. There is no charge but a ticket is required for entrance; so we know numbers. Tickets are available after all Masses this weekend, May 18/19, & from the Parish Office after that.

Special Notes
VOLUNTEERS CO-ORDINATOR – we are looking for someone who can form a core committee made up of a member from each volunteer group in the Parish. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested.
FILIPINO MASS is on the second Sunday of the month at 6 pm
Christian Meditation Group will meet in person on the third Thursday of the month at 7pm
2ND COLLECTION ENVELOPES FOR ONLINE & PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING USERS ARE AVAILABLE. If you would like a set, please pick it up from the parish office.

Meet our new family – in the back row from left, Mejdi, Nahom, & Mazin, and in the front row from left, Marta and Mariano.
They have settled well into their new home thanks to you all for your donations - now the family is fully supplied. Three of the members are looking for work; if anyone knows of jobs that are available; please let the office know.
This week we return to the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. This Sunday and next Sunday, however, are designated as solemnities, special days that call our attention to the central mysteries of our faith. Today, on the first Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. This feast invites us to consider what we believe about God, who has revealed himself to us in the Trinity, one God in three Persons. The Gospel for this Solemnity is taken from the Gospel of Matthew. In its conclusion, Matthew’s Gospel quickly moves from the disciples’ discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb and Jesus’ appearance to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to the commission that Jesus gives to his disciples in today’s Gospel.
The final commission, as this part of Matthew’s Gospel is sometimes called, is given on the mountaintop. Throughout Scripture, many of the most important events happen on a mountaintop, and Matthew used this motif often. Peter, James, and John saw Jesus transfigured on the mountaintop, and Jesus taught the crowds from the mountaintop in the Sermon on the Mount. In today’s Gospel, the eleven disciples go the mountaintop in Galilee, as Jesus had instructed them through Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. They see Jesus, and they worship and doubt at the same time. Jesus approaches them and commissions them to baptize and teach. It is a task for which Jesus had previously prepared his disciples; recall that Jesus had already sent the twelve apostles to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal. Yet earlier, the Twelve were sent only to the House of Israel; in this final commission, the eleven are told to go to all nations. The mission of Jesus is now to be taken to all people, and the task is to baptize and to teach.
Jesus commissions his disciples to baptize in the name of the Trinity; this is one of the clearest attestations for Baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity found in Scripture. Other New Testament references to Baptism describe it as being celebrated in the name of Jesus. As we read this Gospel on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, we are reminded that this central mystery of faith is meant to be lived. As baptized Christians, we share in the life of the blessed Trinity and seek to invite others to share in God’s love.
~ Loyola Press
Mass Intentions
Sunday, May 26
Healing Mass for Yanic Pean by Chantelle Pean
Repose Elena Colangelo by Domenico & Maria Maglieri
Repose Teresa Braham by Carmen Alcanta
Monday, May 27
Repose St. Edmund’s Parishioners
Repose Anna Hrvatin by Liz Snadel
Tuesday, May 28
Repose Giuseppe (Joe) Rucci by family
Repose Velia De Cotiis by Vito De Cotiis
Wednesday, May 29
Repose Jim & Marlene Craig by Antoine Larose
Thursday, May 30
Repose David Brading by Liz Wong
Friday, May 31
Repose Manuel A. Canhoto by Ludovina Santos
Saturday, June 1
Spec. Intention Celia Brading by Liz Wong
Spec. Intention Father Steny by Lynn & Jane
Parish Events

2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna @

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm
SPECIAL OFFER - Knights of Columbus - Free 1 Year On-Line Membership. You can enjoy the benefits of being a Knights of Columbus member including Accidental Death Benefit and the famous Columbia Magazine.
After joining, please check your Inbox for confirmation.

St. Eds Christian Meditation Group
Thu 15th Feb @ 7 PM
The St Edmund's Parish unit of the 'World Community for Christian Meditation' (WCCM) will resume its in-person meditation meeting, on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm in St Edmund's Church.
The first (resumed) in-person meeting will be held Thursday, 15 February at 7.00 pm.
WCCM had suspended in-person meetings owing to COVID-19 restrictions but continues to hold a weekly virtual meeting on Mondays (via ZOOM), also at 7.00 pm.
You are sincerely invited to attend the WCCM meeting(s). All are welcome.
To learn more about WCCM, kindly contact: Luis Zunino - email
School Events
St. Edmunds Elementary School
St Edmund’s Silent Auction Fundraiser
Support St Edmunds Elementary School by bidding on some amazing items and experiences at the first St Edmund’s Silent Auction Fundraiser. All proceeds support St Edmund’s Elementary School.
Items include:
Tickets to an unforgettable Vancouver Canadians baseball game
Beautiful artwork by a renowned Mexican artist
Gift cards to Dairy Queen and Winners
Passes to an exhilarating climbing gym
Tickets to Capilano Suspension Bridge
Don't miss out on these incredible items and experiences while helping our school! Your participation will directly benefit our students and programs.
📅 Date: Bidding Ends June 13 📍
Bid now:
St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
Dear STA Community, For 36 years, Mr. Horton has taught, directed musical productions, organized trips, led the Sound Crew and Ski Club, and been involved in numerous other activities to support students and staff. We hope you will join us for an evening of memories and music as we celebrate Mr. Horton's retirement in June.
Hosts for the evening are Brook McLaughlin '95 and Andrea (Neuls) McLaughlin '95. You'll listen to special musical performances, visit memorabilia stations and hear from staff and alumni about Mr. Horton's impact on their lives.
Click here for your complimentary registration, and to leave a message, photo or video on the Kudo Board. If you have any questions, please contact Sandie Atkinson, Director of Advancement at We look forward to seeing you there!
Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival & Italy - The STA Alumni Association, in conjunction with STA Campus Ministry, is hosting a Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival and Italy from July 22nd - August 8th, 2024. All STA alumni & their families (18+) are invited to join.
Find more information at:
Religious Education
PREP 2024-2025
Information about the next series of classes will be posted in the bulletin nearer the time when they recommence.
Children's Choir Training
Every Saturday at 10 am
Altar Server Training
Every Saturday 11-11:30 am
Archdiocese Notices & Events
"Fall in Love, Stay in Love" Marriage Enrichment
Sun, May 26 (2:00-4:00 pm) & Sun, June 9 (1:30-3:30 pm) Online via Zoom
Marriage Enrichment offers all couples, at whatever stage of their marriage, including those preparing for marriage, an opportunity to enrich their relationship. We are exploring the "Fall in Love, Stay in Love" marriage materials, including tools for better communication and strengthening our relationship with each other and God. This program offers opportunities for individual couples to connect privately and for optional group conversations.
Contact Saint Mark's Parish to register.
PROJECT ADVANCE kick off is next weekend May 25/26 after all Masses & volunteers will be available to take your pledges.
Brochures are available at the Church entrance.

Saturday, May 25 at Holy Cross Parish, 1650 Delta Avenue, Burnaby.
Talks 10:00am to 3:30pm and 6:30pm to 8:00pm Guided Meditation & Healing Mass.
Speakers: Christine Watkins and Fr. Daniel-Maria Klimek, T.O.R.
Talks: “The Warning”, “Rediscovering the Supernatural”, “The Miraculous Medal”, “ Crucified Love”.
Info: Ethelyn David (604) 889-3842 or

Financial Updates
Remember St. Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Steny & Father Cannio
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of St. Edmund Parishioners
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of All Carmelite Priests
If you would like to let St. Edmund Parishioners know of the services your company provides, please contact the Parish Office about advertising on this page.